Submit paper

To submit your paper, please, do the following:

  1. Go to
    where you'll be asked to log in. If you are not registered, please do so.
  2. At the top-right of the page, press link "New submission".
  3. Fill in the opening Submission form. You may use tools for automatic partial fill-in (for example, if you are an author, click button "Click here to add yourself"). 
  4. Press button "Submit" at the bottomof the page (maybe you'll have to wait for a while, as processing your submission may take some time). 


Since issue of Graphicon 2016 papers will be formatted on eLibrary platform, or in SCOPUS, a copy of your Agreement for publication must be signed and provided to Organizing Committee hands-to-hands or by  mail before the conference begins.

Download: Agreement for publication (DOC)


Organizing Committee of  Graphicon-2016,

Ingineering Geometry, Computer Graphics and CAM/CAD systems department,

NNGASU, bld. 65, Ilyinskaya st., 

Nyzhny Novgorod, Russia,
